Welcome to my webpage....looking forward to teaching 3rd grade this school year!

About Me....
My name is Romie V. Dale Amos. I have three amazing sons and have been married to my wonderful husband for over 35 years. I am a native of Louisiana but I have not lived there for forty years. After graduating high school, I enlisted in the United States Air Force, which inspired me to travel the world and become a teacher. I have been teaching since August of 2006. I have taught Special Education- Resource, ESL, 2nd grade, 4th grade, middle and high school. I graduated from University of Maryland-College Park with a Bachelor's degree in Social Science. Also I have graduated from Liberty University, VA with a Master's degree in Teaching English As a Second Language. I taught students in Kuwait, China and South Korea for eight years. I really enjoy traveling and learning about other cultures, as a matter of fact, my husband and I have visited or lived in over 40 countries during my international teaching journey and my husband's military career.
To contact me please email at dale.amos@ntxca.org.
I will respond during my conference time from 11:05 a.m. to 11:50 a.m.
3rd Grade-Amos Class Schedule
7:55-8:05 Morning Announcements, SEL, Bellringer, & Handwriting
8:05-9:35 ELAR- Building Knowledge and Language and Reading
9:40-10:10 ELAR -Foundational Skills: Decoding, Spelling, and Fluency
10:10-11:05---Social Studies/Science
11:05-11:50--PE/Conference Time-teacher
11:50 - 12:20 Lunch
12:25 - 2:25 ELAR - Foundational Skills, Phonological Skills, & Grammar/Writing
2:25 - 3:05 Science/Social Studies
3:30 Dismissal
Student-focused platforms are ST Math, Zearn, and Amplify
Social Studies-
In Social Studies the 5th Six Weeks in unit 5, Running a Business in the Community, students will inquire about "how can I achieve financial stability?" Students will learn how to create a budget, learn about how scarcity affects free markets, and learn about how goods and services are provided by businesses. Additionally, students will learn about selected American entrepreneurs who have successfully established thriving businesses.
English-Language Arts and Reading-
During the 5th six weeks, we will read informational text in Module 7-Make A Difference. In this module, students will be reading and viewing selections about people who are helpful members of their communities. We will continue writing short-constructed responses to text read as well as extended-constructed responses by using correct capitalization and punctuation.
Science-During the 5th Six Weeks in Science, students will investigate organisms in Ecosystems by explaining how temperature and precipitation affect animal growth and behavior through migration and hibernation and plant responses through dormancy. Students will investigate organisms and their environments by answering questions such as "why does a cactus bloom?", why do birds migrate? and how do plants and animals respond to changes in weather?