Welcome to Middle School ELAR


Welcome to my teacher webpage! I am delighted to introduce myself as a dedicated educator with 10 years of experience at our wonderful school. I am currently pursuing a Master's degree in Curriculum and Instruction at Oklahoma Christian University.

Beyond the classroom, I am a proud parent to a daughter attending Xavier University of Louisiana. Our family also includes three lovable dogs that keep our home lively.

I indulge in various hobbies that refresh and inspire me in my free time. I love reading, traveling to new places, fishing, kayaking, and working on DIY projects around the house.

I am passionate about fostering a love for learning in my students and am excited for another fantastic year together. Thank you for visiting my page!

What we are Learning


The fifth six weeks:

6th-Grade -In Unit 5, students will read and write in different types of texts and learn how they connect to each other. They will compare and contrast different genres (like stories, poems, and articles) on similar topics to better understand how each one is written and why authors make certain choices. Since today’s texts often include things like pictures, charts, audio, and videos, students will also explore how these elements help communicate ideas. By studying different genres and writing styles, students will become stronger readers and writers who can clearly express their thoughts.

7th-Grade -In Unit 5, students will explore different types of reading and writing and see how they connect. They will compare and contrast different genres—like stories, poems, and informational texts—on the same topic to better understand how they are structured and why authors make certain choices. Since modern texts often include images, charts, audio, or video, students will also learn how these elements help communicate messages. By studying different genres and writing styles, students will become better readers and writers who can clearly share their ideas.

8th-Grade -In Unit 5, students will read and write different types of texts and explore how they relate to each other. They will compare and contrast various genres—like stories, poems, and articles—on the same topic to understand their unique features and how authors use different techniques. Since modern texts often include images, charts, audio, or video, students will also learn how these elements help communicate ideas. By studying different genres and writing styles, students will become stronger readers and writers who can express their thoughts clearly.

5th-Grade -In Unit 7, students will learn how to read and write argumentative texts. This type of writing is used to take a stance on a topic and support it with logic and persuasion. Students will explore how authors try to convince their audience—whether by appealing to emotions, using logical reasoning, or citing experts to sound more credible. They will also learn how to recognize when an argument is one-sided or missing other perspectives. By studying argumentative texts, students will learn to build strong arguments and consider different viewpoints when forming their own opinions.

In Unit 8, students will explore different types of texts, including digital and multimedia formats. Today, people read and create texts in many forms, such as stories, articles, videos, and online content. These texts often use images, graphics, fonts, colors, audio, and video to enhance their message. Students will learn how these elements influence how we understand and interpret information. By studying how authors use different techniques across multiple formats, students will become better at analyzing what they read and creating their own effective and engaging texts.

This Six Weeks in Middle School

Feb. 25 - 3rd-8th Math Benchmark

Feb. 26 - 3rd-8th Reading Benchmark

Feb. 27 - 5th & 8th Science Benchmark

Black History Night 5-6:30 p.m.

Feb. 28 - 8th Social Studies Benchmark

March 10-14 - Spring Break

April 4 - Last Day of 5th Six Weeks

1 p.m. Dismissal

My Schedule

Intervention: 7:30 - 8:00

Character: 8:00 - 8:15

6th ELAR: 8:15 - 9:20

7th ELAR: 9:22 - 10:22

8th ELAR: 10:24 - 11:24

5th ELAR: 11:26 - 12:26

Lunch: 12:28 - 12:58

Workshop: 1:00 - 1:50 - M/F-6th, T-7th, W-8th, Th-5th

Conference: 1:52 - 2:37

Elective: 2:39 - 3:30

Contact Information

Email: nicole.cash@ntxca.org

Google Voice: 940-536-3873

School: 940-383-1972