Due to predicted inclement weather, we are postponing Saturday's activities, but no worries, we are finalizing the details on an even better event on another day!


November Menus are ready!!

October is National Principals' Month! Help us honor our NTxCA principals for their dedication and thank them for all they do to support our schools!

Thank you for all the votes!!! We love our NTxCA community!!!

** REMINDER ** It's a 4-day weekend for students!!

We're thrilled to announce Mrs. Maria Meserve as the October "Difference Maker!" This is Mrs. Meserve's 1st year with NTxCA but she's already a very loved member of our team. We're proud of her hard work, dedication, and sweet spirit. As both a first-grade teacher and the after-school coordinator for the North Campus, she has some very long days but is faithful in every way. She's definitely a "Difference Maker" who helps us fulfill our mission to be #MoreThanASchool!

October Menus!

It's GROCERY DAY! We've got lots of protein, baby products, fresh produce and canned goods FREE to current NTxCA families! The Pantry will be open for shoppers 1pm - 4pm today! No need to call or make an appointment if you come during that time.

Save the date for our NTxCA Fall Family Fun Day!!

September menus are here!

On-site (at school) medical visits through Goodside Health available for ALL NTxCA students starting Monday August 22nd!
Students MUST be registered for this service prior to their clinic visit. Register your child using the link below so that they are ready to go if they ever need an appointment!

Campuses will be closed next week!