Good evening North Texas Collegiate Academy parents, this is Mr. Dix, Principal of East Campus. I have our weekly announcements. Our character trait of the the week is EMPATHY. This week, our 3rd through 8th grade students will be taking the TFAR 6 Week Assessments, which are important in helping our students get prepared for the STAAR Tests coming in the spring. We will do math on Monday, ELAR on Tuesday, Science for 5th & 8th grade on Wednesday, and Social Studies for 8th grade on Thursday. Please encourage your students to give their absolute best effort, which is practicing EXCELLENCE. The information gathered from these assessments will help us to get all of our students prepared for the upcoming STAAR tests. This Friday, November 4th, is the the last day of our 2nd Six Week grading cycle. If your student has been absent and needs to turn in any makeup work please be sure they do so by Friday. Report cards will go home on Monday, November 7th. I want to remind all parents that daily attendance at school is crucial. Please make sure your student is at school every day on time to avoid truancy. Daily compulsory attendance is mandatory by law. NTxCA follows all Denton County attendance guidelines. If your child has unexcused absences, you will receive an Attendance/Truancy Warning letter. Parents please help your child and their class win our attendance competition, which ends tomorrow. On time students get raffle tickets and will enter a special drawing for some awesome gift cards! Also, the class that has the highest percentage of attendance and lowest tardies will win a special treat for the entire class! Let's shoot for perfect attendance tomorrow to finish out our competition! NTxCA will welcome a production team to campuses Wednesday through Friday this week. Although these are normal instructional days and the crew will not intentionally interrupt any activities, the team will be filming various classes and activities, interviewing certain staff and parents and shadowing certain students. (If your child will be shadowed, you have been informed.) What's the purpose for the production team and filming? Stay tuned! We'll reveal the secret in January! Our Fall Family Fun Day is almost here and will take place next Saturday on November 5th from 11:00 – 2:00 pm at Little Elm Park. It will be a fantastic day filled with fun, games, and food! Also, please consider donating a bag of candy to your student's classroom as this is needed for prizes. If you are interested in helping in other ways or donating to assist our event, please contact your student’s teacher or call the front office. And remember, NTxCA is more than a school! Thank you and have a fantastic Bulldog week! #MoreThanASchool
almost 2 years ago, Rick Dix
weekly Announcements
almost 2 years ago, North Texas Collegiate Academy
No costumes on Monday
November Menus are ready!!
almost 2 years ago, North Texas Collegiate Academy
November Lunch Menu
November Breakfast Menu
Good evening North Texas Collegiate Academy parents, this is Mr. Dix, Principal of East Campus. I have our weekly announcements. Our character trait of the the week is COMPASSION. I want to start by thanking all of our Bulldog families for coming out and supporting our school at the volleyball tournament in Denton on Friday night! Congrats to our Bulldog volleyball team for coming in second place, and to the Lions for coming in third, and congratulations to the 1st place North Campus Jaguars for taking the victory! I want to remind all parents that daily attendance at school is crucial. Please make sure your student is at school every day on time to avoid truancy. Daily compulsory attendance is mandatory by law. NTxCA follows all Denton County attendance guidelines. If your child has unexcused absences, you will receive an Attendance/Truancy Warning letter. Parents please help your child and their class win our attendance competition by the end of this month. Every student that is on time for school will get a special raffle ticket each day they are on time. We will have a drawing at the end of the month for a chance to win some awesome gift cards! Also, the class that has the highest percentage of attendance and lowest tardies will win a special treat for the entire class! So let's show Bulldog pride and be on time to school each and every day! This Wednesday, groceries will be arriving at the district office for families in need. If your family is in need of groceries, you must call the front office by 2:00 pm on Tuesday so that we can have them ready for you on Wednesday afternoon. You also have the option picking up groceries in person in Denton. Please call the front office at 972-292-3562 for more details. This week our campus will be celebrating Red Ribbon Week. Here are the weekly activities; Monday – Peace Out to Drugs! The school will provide temporary tattoos and hold coloring contests Tuesday – Toe-tally Drug Free! Wear crazy socks day! Wednesday – Hairs to being Drug Free! Crazy hair day! *Please be mindful that all colors must be removed before school on Thursday Thursday – Let’s Taco-bout Being Drug Free: Chicken fajita tacos for lunch and taco stickers Friday – Team Up Against Drugs! Wear your favorite team t-shirt/jersey and jeans! Also, our Red Ribbon Door Decorating contest ends Tuesday at 2:30 in order to have the picture taken and posted to our district Facebook group for judging. May the best drug free door design win! Mark your calendars for our Fall Family Fun Day on November 5th from 11:00 – 2:00 pm at Little Elm Park. It will be a fantastic day filled with fun, games, and food! Also, please consider donating a bag of candy to your student's classroom as this is needed for prizes. If you are interested in helping in other ways, please contact your student’s teacher or call the front office. And remember, NTxCA is more than a school! Thank you and have a fantastic Bulldog week! #MoreThanASchool
almost 2 years ago, Rick Dix
weekly Announcements.
Congrats to the North Campus Jaguars for winning the volleyball tournament and congrats to the Bulldogs for coming in second place! Congrats to the South Campus Lions who played well but came in third! Also, our new Bulldog Pep Squad did an amazing job cheering on our Bulldog volleyball players! It was an awesome night! Thank you parents and family members for coming out and showing support!
almost 2 years ago, Rick Dix
Volleyball in action.
Bulldog Pep Squad.
Bulldog Volleyball team.
Bulldog Volleyball team
Red Ribbon Week is coming soon! We also have the door decorating contest as well!
almost 2 years ago, Rick Dix
Red Ribbon Week.
October is National Principals' Month! Help us honor our NTxCA principals for their dedication and thank them for all they do to support our schools!
almost 2 years ago, North Texas Collegiate Academy
Dr. Hill, Mrs. Jordan, Mr. Dix
Congratulations to Taylor West for being the weekly Student of Character for exhibiting Tolerance! Taylor shows tolerance daily by being patient and accepting of all his peers. He consistently exudes a sweet spirit and positive attitude no matter what the circumstances!
almost 2 years ago, Rick Dix
TW Tolerance Award.
I want to thank everyone who came out to our Hispanic Heritage Hero Celebration tonight! We had a great time enjoying Hispanic foods and checking out our students'displays that celebrated Hispanic Heros' achievements!
almost 2 years ago, Rick Dix
HH artists.
HH Hero.
Ellen Ochoa.
HH Hero.
**MESSAGE TRANSCRIPT** Good evening North Texas Collegiate Academy parents, this is Mr. Dix, Principal of East Campus. I have our weekly announcements. Our character trait of the the week is COMMITMENT. Our Hispanic Heritage Hero Celebration will take place in our cafeteria tomorrow, October 11th, from 4:30 to 5:30 pm. Our students are excited for parents to see their displays that showcase their heroes achievements! Hope to see you there! We have volleyball practice this week from 4:00 to 5:00 pm Tuesday through Friday for middle school students that plan to compete in our volleyball tournament. Our district volleyball tournament is on October 21st at 5:00 pm, at our North Campus in Denton. We hope to see all of you there cheering on our Bulldogs! If your student is missing any work or has make up work to turn in, please be sure they do so by Friday morning. Progress reports will go home on Friday, October 14th. So be sure to check your student's backpack when they get home from school. Mark your calendars for our Fall Family Fun Day on November 5th from 11:00 – 2:00 pm at Little Elm Park. It will be a fantastic day filled with fun, games, and food! If you are interested in helping, please contact your student’s teacher or join our next PAWS meeting on October 20th at 5:30 pm. I want to remind all parents that daily attendance at school is crucial. Please make sure your student is at school every day to avoid truancy or compulsory attendance violations because daily attendance is mandatory by law. NTxCA follows all Denton County attendance guidelines. If your child has unexcused absences, you will be receiving a letter that requires you to have a special meeting with the principal. I want to thank our parents and community members that donated or helped in some way with our community service projects. I also want to thank our parents for taking time out to meet with teachers for conferences last week because it is crucial for student success. For the few parents that were unable to attend their conference last week, please be sure that you meet with your student's teacher as soon as possible this week. And remember, NTxCA is more than a school! Thank you and have a fantastic Bulldog week! #MoreThanASchool
almost 2 years ago, Rick Dix
Weekly Announcements Image.
Bulldog Mascot.
Thank you for all the votes!!! We love our NTxCA community!!!
almost 2 years ago, North Texas Collegiate Academy
Best of Denton County Finalist
** REMINDER ** It's a 4-day weekend for students!!
almost 2 years ago, North Texas Collegiate Academy
No school friday or monday
October Menus!
almost 2 years ago, North Texas Collegiate Academy
October Lunch Menu
October Breakfast Menu
Good evening North Texas Collegiate Academy parents, this is Mr. Dix, Principal of East Campus. I have our weekly announcements. Our character trait of the the week is TOLERANCE. There is no school this Friday 10/7/22 because it a Professional Development day for our teachers. There is also no school on the following Monday 10/10/22 in observance of Columbus Day. Your student's teacher already has or will be reaching out to you to schedule Parent-Teacher Conferences for this week. Please be sure you have scheduled some time to visit with your student’s teacher regarding their academic, social, and behavioral success. Our campus has 100% parent participate so be sure to get your meeting scheduled. We have volleyball practice this week from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday for middle school students that plan to compete in our volleyball tournament. Our district volleyball tournament on October 21st at 5:00 pm, at our North Campus in Denton. We hope to see all of you there cheering on our Bulldogs! Mark your calendars and join us for our Hispanic Heritage Hero Event which will take place in our cafeteria on October 11th from 4:30 to 5:30 pm. Our students are excited to show you their displays that showcases their heroes achievements! Hope to see you there! Our campus Community Service Projects will continue until the end of this week. Thank you for all your support! The final day for donations and participation is this Thursday. I want to remind all parents that daily attendance at school is crucial. Please make sure your student is at school every day to avoid truancy or compulsory attendance violations because daily attendance is mandatory by law. NTxCA follows all Denton County attendance guidelines. If your child has unexcused absences, you will be receiving a letter that requires you to have a special meeting with the principal. And remember, NTxCA is more than a school! Thank you and have a fantastic Bulldog week! #MoreThanASchool
almost 2 years ago, Rick Dix
Bulldog mascot.
It's GROCERY DAY! We've got lots of protein, baby products, fresh produce and canned goods FREE to current NTxCA families! The Pantry will be open for shoppers 1pm - 4pm today! No need to call or make an appointment if you come during that time.
almost 2 years ago, North Texas Collegiate Academy
Save the date for our NTxCA Fall Family Fun Day!!
almost 2 years ago, North Texas Collegiate Academy
Fall Family Fun Day
Good evening North Texas Collegiate Academy parents, this is Mr. Dix, Principal of East Campus. I have our weekly announcements. Our character trait of the the week is RESPONSIBILITY. This week is Celebrate Freedom Week in honor of September 11th. Community Service Projects have begun and your we will be sharing information about how NTxCA families can give back to our community through our campus projects. Please also assist us in our efforts to teach our students servant leadership as we work toward community service goals this month. The Perot Museum is coming to our campus for our Superhero Academy Family Science Night. This event is from 6:00 - 8:00 pm in our cafeteria on Thursday, September 15th. It will be a fun-filled night and is one of our families' favorite events! We look forward to seeing all of you there! Parents, this is a reminder that teachers have provided you with information on how to login to communicate with your students' teachers using our new system Apptegy. Please email your student's teacher or call the front office for additional support if needed. And remember, NTxCA is more than a school! Thank you and have a fantastic Bulldog week! #MoreThanASchool
almost 2 years ago, Rick Dix
Bulldog Mascot w/ red collar.
Hello Bulldog families! We are in need of substitute teachers at East Campus. Please fill out the link below if you are interested in working on campus as a substitute teacher.
almost 2 years ago, Rick Dix
Substitute Teacher pay information.
Hello North Texas Collegiate Academy Bulldog parents! I have our weekly announcements. Our character trait of the the week is SERVICE. Community SERVICE is one of our core values that makes us "More Than a School!" Our Community Service Projects will begin this week. Information about the projects will be sent home this week. In honor of Labor Day, we will be closed on Monday, September 5th. School will resume on Tuesday, September 6th, at 8:00 am. We will host our Grandparents' Day celebration on Friday, September 9th, from 2:25 - 3:25, in our cafeteria. Moms & dads, we love seeing you, but this event is to celebrate the grandparents! Grandparents that are interested in attending need to call the office to have their names added to our special guest list. Progress Reports and Truancy Warning letters will be sent home on Tuesday, so please be sure to check your student's backpack. And remember, NTxCA is more than a school! Thank you and have a fantastic Bulldog week! #MoreThanASchool
almost 2 years ago, North Texas Collegiate Academy
Mrs. Mendez has been a paraprofessional at our East Campus for 16 years and is such a valuable part of the Bulldog team! We thank Mrs. Mendez for consistently going above and beyond, and for all that she does for our campus and students! She truly is a Difference Maker!!
about 2 years ago, Rick Dix
Mrs. Mendez with award
Difference Maker Award explanation.