A Note from Our Superintendent...
Enjoy your long weekend!! See everyone Tuesday September 5th!!
Our Character Trait this week is CONTENTMENT. Students find peace and contentment when coming to school every day!
We are already into the third week of school, so Thursday, August 31, is the last day to turn in missing assignments! Progress Reports will be sent home on Tuesday, September 5.
"Marshmallow the Cow" will be on our campus Thursday, August 31. Our students are always excited to see Marshmallow the Cow and experience the milking process!
Make sure you have downloaded the school's app and have set up your Rooms account. Your child's personal code, along with instructions on how to set up your account, was sent home last week. When your account is set up, you will be able to communicate with your child's teacher through the app.
All uniform shirts have been delivered and sent home with students as of Friday, August 25. EVERY student should be in full uniform beginning Monday! PreK - 4th grade students MUST wear a BLUE polo uniform shirt, and 5th - 8th grade students MUST wear a BLACK polo uniform shirt. ALL STUDENTS MUST wear khaki bottoms. Students MAY NO LONGER WEAR white polo shirts. Full uniform, for the 23 - 24 school year, is blue or black polo shirts with khaki bottoms.
We will not have school Friday, September 1 and Monday, September 4. Enjoy this extended weekend with your family! We will resume regular school hours on Tuesday, September 5.
Your child may wear school uniform or “better”! “Better” includes a nice dress, a suit, slacks, a button down shirt, etc... NO DENIM MATERIAL, JEANS OR SLEEVELESS TOPS ARE ALLOWED AT ALL!!
Picture information was sent home Monday. Please include the exact amount in the envelope as we will not have change in the office.
Pictures must be paid for by August 24, or there will be a $10 fee for late orders. Late orders must be purchased online and will be mailed to the address provided when the order is placed.
We can’t wait to see those picture perfect smiles tomorrow, Thursday, August 24! 🦁🩵
It's Grocery Day! We're excited to open a 2nd Pantry at our South Campus! Both our North Campus and South Campus Pantries are open today 1:00-4:00 to serve currently-enrolled families.
Shopping bags are provided. No outside bags or boxes. Please honor the bag limit per household so that all families in-need are served.
Title I Parent Meeting - Wednesday, August 23, immediately following our PAWS (Parent Assisting With Students) meeting, which begins at 6:05pm! 🦁🩵
September Menus are ready!
Hello, Lion Parents!
Our Character Trait this week is HONOR. Having honor and integrity will take you a long way in life!
If you have not downloaded our district's app (ntxca), please do so immediately! This is the best way to remain updated with current & upcoming events, as well as communicate with your child's teacher.
We will have our first PAWS (Parents Assisting With Students) PTA meeting on Wednesday, August 23, at 6:05pm, in the cafeteria. Please join us to hear all of the exciting things the parents have in store!
We will have our Fall Picture Day on Thursday, August 24. Your child may wear dress code or BETTER! This means your child may wear a nice dress, a suit, slacks, a button down shirt, etc... NO DENIM MATERIAL OR JEANS ALLOWED AT ALL!!
No school on Friday, September 1 and Monday, September 4. Take this time to enjoy a few extra days with your child!
Have a great evening!
Reminder!! We will have bilingual social workers at the North Campus during Grocery Day on Tuesday from 1:00-4:00PM to assist families with applications for TANF, SNAP, housing, Medicaid and other services. No appointment is needed but bring ID and proof of income, if available.
2023-2024 Spirit Wear online ordering links are live!!! Orders can be placed on the same page as polo shirts... https://www.ntxca.org/o/ntca/page/uniform-shirt-ordering
Just a few reminders regarding our most talked-about topics from our first few days!
Important Back-to-School Reminders!!
Breakfast and Lunch Menus!
Bilingual social workers will be at the North Campus from 1:00-4:00 on Tuesday, August 22nd (on our pantry shopping day) to assist NTxCA families with applications for SNAP/TANF, Medicaid, Texas Housing Assistance and other state and federal resources. Please bring proof of income and residency, if available. This is a FREE community service effort provided by NTxCA.
IMPORTANT PANTRY UPDATE! Starting NEXT WEEK, our NTxCA Food Pantry will be open the 2nd and 4th TUESDAY of each month for the new school year.
Parents will sign a new form for the 2023-2024 school year during Meet-the-Teacher night. All enrolled families qualify as long as you complete your form!
Our offices will be closed Wednesday and Thursday this week. The office will reopen on Friday, August 4th. If you have student enrollment paperwork that needs to be turned in, please return it to Mrs. Limer as soon as possible.
*If you ordered uniform shirts in June, they are here! Please pick them up ASAP!
*ALL students MUST have current immunizations or the immunization waiver on or before August 10th. No student can attend school on 1st day of school without current shots or the waiver.
*After Care program begins Monday, August 14th. There is no After Care August 10th or August 11th.
Have a great evening!
Parents, here are a few NTxCA policy reminders as we approach the start of the new school year!
Are you ready for the new school year?
* All enrollment documentation complete
* Transportation application complete (one per student)
* After-school program application complete (one per student)
* Current immunizations or approved exemption
* NTxCA App downloaded with notifications on
* Join NTxCA Campus Facebook groups for parents
* School uniforms picked up from campuses
* "Meet-the-Teacher" marked on your calendar (August 8th @ 6:00)
All school supplies and meals are provided. Families provide headphones for all grades and a nap mat for Pre-K. School starts Thursday, August 10th!
To attend school, all students must have a current immunization record or a current exemption for reasons of conscience if your family does not participate in immunizations. These exemptions must be completed every 2 years and are obtained through Texas Health and Human Services, so they are not available at our campus offices.
For information on scheduling an appointment to obtain immunizations for your child, visit https://www.dentoncounty.gov/698/Immunizations.
To obtain an exemption form, visit https://www.dshs.texas.gov/immunization-unit/texas-school-child-care-facility-immunization/texas-immunization-exemptions
IMPORTANT MESSAGE ABOUT FACEBOOK MEMBERSHIP: On August 10th, 2023, ALL parents and family members will be REMOVED from the Facebook Group (NTxCA South Campus).
Because we want to do as much as possible to protect all of our students and families, we want to make sure we have parents and family members within this group who are "actively enrolled" on our campus for the 2023-2024 school year. I hope you can appreciate our efforts in trying to ensure and maintain the social media safety of everyone in our school community. I apologize in advance for the drastic change, but this needs to be done.
Please continue to enjoy all posts, pictures, and announcements until August 10th. On August 11th, you will be able to request to join the group again; However, this is a STRONG REMINDER that every one MUST respond to the security questions AND include the name(s) of the enrolled students before access will be granted.