We are placing our 1st bulk order for shirts and sweatshirts on Friday! If you need new shirts for the 2023-2024 school year, make sure you go online and place your order this week!! https://www.ntxca.org/o/ntca/page/uniform-shirt-ordering
over 1 year ago, North Texas Collegiate Academy
2023-2024 Pre-Enrollment Update!
over 1 year ago, North Texas Collegiate Academy
Pre-Enrollment Update
ORDER YOUR SCHOOL UNIFORM TODAY !!! Our online ordering system has been updated and parents may now begin ordering uniforms for the 2023-2024 school year. We will place our orders on Friday, June 16th and Friday, June 30th. Expected delivery to campuses is July 7th for the first order and July 28th for the second order. Uniforms will be distributed in the order in which they were ordered so it's best to order early! The link to order is below for your convenience. https://www.ntxca.org/article/1141461
over 1 year ago, Amanda Jordan, Principal
Uniform Order
STEAM Camp starts tomorrow morning!! Cant wait to see everyone there!!
over 1 year ago, North Texas Collegiate Academy
Enrollment is at or near capacity in all grades at each campus. If you have not yet completed pre-enrollment forms for your children you must do so quickly! Once a grade level fills, all applications for enrollment are waitlisted. The waitlist is a LOTTERY system, as required by the Texas Education Agency. When/If a space opens, we put all names for that space in a blind draw. (Being 1st on the waitlist places you in no better position than being 15th.) Remember, no student is automatically pre-enrolled from one year to the next. You MUST complete a new enrollment form each year. Help us be at 100% by this Friday! Questions? Call your campus office 8:00AM-3:00PM, Monday through Friday.
over 1 year ago, North Texas Collegiate Academy
Enroll today!
ATTENTION JAGUAR PARENTS: Enrollment information for the 23 / 24 School year in the "After School Program" will be provided in mid-June, 2023! Please watch Facebook, our district website ntxca.org, email, and Thrillshare for additional enrollment and registration information! Gooooooooooo Jaguars !!!!!!!!
over 1 year ago, Amanda Jordan, Principal
After School Program
Good Monday Morning Jaguars, these are your weekly announcements for this LAST WEEK OF SCHOOL! *Our Character Traits will be a review of all 187 traits from this school year!!!! *We will have regular school hours Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday this week. THURSDAY, MAY 25TH IS OUR LAST DAY OF SCHOOL with an early release time of 1:00. There will be no after care on Thursday. Please pick up your student on time. *Teachers will be preparing student report cards this week, which will be mailed to the last address you have on file at the school. If you have moved, changed your telephone number, or other contact information, please call Ms. Rosell to update the records. (940) 383-1972. Your student final report card will inform parents of their student’s grade promotion, placement, or retention. *Summer Grade Placement meetings will be scheduled if your student has not met the 90% Attendance Rule. All parents and students must attend this meeting before an official school report card will be released. *Thanks to our great Jaguar parents, our enrollment is significantly growing!!! We do have classes that are at near capacity, so please make sure you get your student (new and returning) pre-registered for next school year! *To celebrate our last morning of school, we will have a DANCE PARTY at 7:15 on Thursday! The dance party will start ON TIME at 7:15 and will END on time at 7:30! I hope your student will join us Thursday morning! *These are your short week campus announcements, so until your mid-week announcements, goooooo Jaguars!!!!!
over 1 year ago, Amanda Jordan, Principal
It's the LAST WEEK of school! Check out these reminders!
over 1 year ago, North Texas Collegiate Academy
Last Week Reminders
Happy Mother’s Day and Good Sunday Evening Jaguar Parents ! Here are your weekly announcements! *Our Character Trait for this week is LOYALITY *We have a PACKED week, filled with campus activities ! --Tuesday, May 16th is our Cub (PK/K) Signing Day ! All of our new PK and Kinder students will be participating in their “Signing Day” by documenting their commitment to learning next school year. I hope to see each of our PK and Kinder (school year 23 / 24 students) on campus in the Jaguar Den at 2:30! --Wednesday, May 17th the Dallas Zoo will visit our campus! Yes, parents are invited to attend! We will set up in the Jaguar gym at 12:45 for the presentation. --Your student will come home WEDNESDAY with their Field Day t-shirts! Please check your student’s backpack for their shirt if you ordered one. Students may ONLY wear the new t-shirt and NOT WEAR OLD FIELD DAY T-SHIRTS ! Otherwise, students must be in their school uniform. --Thursday, May 18th is our Jaguar (PK thru 4th grade) Field Day ! Cub Field Day begins promptly at 8:30 until 10:30. 1st thru 4th Field Day time is 1:15 - 3:15. I hope you will be able to join your Cub on field day! --Our Middle School students will have a visit from a Ryan High School Counselor to speak about course selection and graduation requirements --Friday, May 19th is our Middle School student Field Day begins at 1:15 until 3:15. Please join your middle school student for their field day! --Friday is also the completion of our EOY testing for our PK thru 4th grade students. Your teachers will provide you with copies of your student’s EOY academic progress. Teachers will also be setting up Google Meets meetings with parents who wish to visit with teachers to review the EOY data. *FINALLY, Thank you to each of our current parents who have enrolled their students for next school year. We have grade levels that are filling fast (3rd, 4th, 2nd, and 6th). If your student is in one of these grades, I would suggest you hurry and get your student pre-enrolled for next school year in order to reserve a seat! Otherwise, reach out to your friends, neighbors, and family members and get their PK, Kinder, 1st, 7th and 8th grade students registered for next school year! Ask them to enroll and come find out why we are MORE THAN A SCHOOL ! Until your mid-week announcements, goooooooooo Jaguars !!!!!!!!!
over 1 year ago, Amanda Jordan, Principal
Reminder, Parents!!! Tomorrow is your day to show your love for our NTxCA teachers and staff!!
over 1 year ago, North Texas Collegiate Academy
Feel the Love Friday
Good Sunday evening Jaguars, this is Ms. Jordan with your weekly announcements! *Our Character Trait for this week is TRUSTWORTHINESS *Teacher Appreciation Week is next week! The district has Monday - Thursday covered with some fun things for our awesome teachers. Parents, we are asking that you send your teacher treats, cards, etc. on 𝗙𝗥𝗜𝗗𝗔𝗬 of next week. Due to STAAR testing that also occurs next week, all campuses will be closed to visitors and deliveries Monday - Thursday. *Our PK / Kinder Cubs will be going to the zoo this Friday and our middle school students will be going to the Perot Museum! Please make sure you have returned the field trip permission form. *If you haven't already, you MUST pre-register your NEW and RETURNING student for the next school year. Our enrollment is increasing and we want to make sure all of our returning students have a seat saved for the school year! These are your announcements for this week, so until your mid-week announcements..... gooooooooooooooo Jaguars !!!!
over 1 year ago, Amanda Jordan, Principal
Teacher Appreciation Week is next week! The district has Monday - Thursday covered with some fun things for our awesome teachers. Parents, we are asking that you send your teacher treats, cards, etc. on 𝗙𝗥𝗜𝗗𝗔𝗬 of next week. Due to STAAR testing that also occurs next week, all campuses will be closed to visitors and deliveries Monday - Thursday. Thank you!!
over 1 year ago, North Texas Collegiate Academy
Teacher Appreciation Week
May Menus!
over 1 year ago, North Texas Collegiate Academy
Good Monday afternoon Jaguars ! Just a quick reminder notice. For campus and testing security, students in grades 5th and 8th WILL NOT NEED A BACKPACK tomorrow! Students may bring small lunch bags/boxes, but NO BACKPACKS. Also, students WILL NOT need their cell phones. Please leave all smart devices and cell phones at home tomorrow! You may contact the campus office at 940-383-1972 for all emergencies.
over 1 year ago, Amanda Jordan, Principal
GOOD SUNDAY EVENING JAGUAR FAMILIES !!! These are your weekly announcements for the week of May 1, 2023 *The Character Trait for this week is UNDERSTANDING *This week our student will complete Math and Science state assessments. For campus and testing security reasons, our campus will be closed to visitors this week. This means, no parent lunch deliveries or parent lunch guests. Thank you for your patience and understanding! *3 Week Progress Reports will go home tomorrow (Monday) *Friday, May 5th is School Lunch Hero Day ! If you would like to honor and recognize Ms. Kyser and Ms. Correra, you may do so in your own special way! *STEAM Camp is filling FAST ! We have parents who have requested a STEAM Camp registration form but have not returned it. Those forms MUST be returned to Ms. Rosell in order to have a spot in STEAM. All forms NOT returned will NOT be allowed to enroll in the camp. All STEAM Camp forms are due by Friday, May 5th *Thank you to our current families who have invited other family members, neighbors, and friends to enroll on our campus for next school year! Our campus enrollment goal is currently 290, but it appears we may surpass that current goal! That is exciting to our teachers and ME !! Keep the enrollment referrals coming guys! A message for all of our current students, if you haven’t already done so, please make sure you have completed the pre-enrollment form online to save your seat for next school year. All returning students MUST pre-register as well. *I’d like to take this time to welcome Mr. Douglas to our 4th grade team. Mr. Douglas has joined us to complete the 4th grade year this year and he has already signed his contract for next school year! Mr. Douglas is not only establishing relationships with his current 4th graders, but he is also making time to build relationships with our current 3rd graders! Everyone is excited he has joined and committed to our Jaguar team and we look forward to next school year! *Save the Date !!! Our PK and Kinder Cubs will be going to the Zoo on May 12th and our Middle School Students will be going to the Perot Museum! Please return your permission slips to your teacher! Additional information will come from your student’s teacher. *Our Beta Students will be hosting our district middle school dance on Friday, May 19th from 6 pm to 8 pm. All currently enrolled 5th – 8th grade NTxCA students are invited. For safety and security reasons, all students must have a ticket to enter the dance. No exceptions!
over 1 year ago, Amanda Jordan, Principal
Weekly Announcements
NEW FOOD PANTRY POLICY - EFFECTIVE TODAY NTxCA Families, We are blessed to provide over 150,000 pounds of groceries and household items to our families for free every year as part of our mission to be #MoreThanASchool. To ensure all families can receive adequate groceries, the following policies will be implemented effective immediately. 1. All families must list the names of the student(s) enrolled with NTxCA upon sign-in at our North Campus Pantry. After we confirm that you have students currently enrolled with us, you will receive your Visitor's Pass to go shop for groceries. We cannot serve families who do not have children currently enrolled with us but will share information on other local pantries with you. 2. All families must use the shopping bags provided by NTxCA. No outside bags, boxes, carts, etc are allowed. We will give you bags upon entry into the Pantry. 3. While inventory is limited, we must follow the rule of 2 bags per family with no more than 3 packages of meat per family. 4. Families may only shop once per day; no re-entry. As always, if your family has an emergency need, just call our Administration Office at 940-383-6655 and we'll arrange for a pantry visit even on days when the pantry is closed. Thank you for helping us ensure that all NTxCA families have what they need.
over 1 year ago, Amanda Jordan, Principal
Good Monday afternoon Jaguars ! Just a quick reminder notice. For campus and testing security, students in grades 3 thru 8 WILL NOT NEED A BACKPACK tomorrow! Students may bring small lunch bags/boxes, but NO BACKPACKS. Also, students WILL NOT need their cell phones. Please leave all smart devices and cell phones at home tomorrow! You may contact the campus office at 940-383-1972 for all emergencies.
over 1 year ago, Amanda Jordan, Principal
STAAR Security
ATTENTION ALL "INCOMING" PRE-K & KINDERGARTEN STUDENTS! We are inviting you to bring your "Little" to campus on May 16th at 2:30 to attend their "Signing Day!" All of our PK and Kinder "Littles" will be signing their commitment to attend our NTxCA North Campus next school year 2023 / 2024! We will meet you there ! --Ms. Griffith --Ms. Grisby --Ms. Nobles --Ms. Thomson
over 1 year ago, Amanda Jordan, Principal
Signing Day !
JAGUAR WEEKLY ANNOUNCEMENTS; Week of April 24, 2023; *Character Trait – HUMILITY *Tomorrow we will celebrate our state assessment week with a dance party! Join us at 7:15 until 7:30 for our morning Pep Up and Dance Party! I hope to see your student at the party! *For testing and campus security, our campus will be closed to all visitors this week. Our teachers have prepared our students for assessments and it’s now time for us to demonstrate our learning! Let’s get this show on the road! Our PK through 4th grade students will begin their End of Year (mClass & CLI) assessments and our 5th thru 8th grade students will be completing STAAR. I am asking that all students arrive on campus on time each day this week. Attendance is still important and all students must be at school each school day. Remember, it’s the law !!! *Thank you to all of the Jaguar students and parents who attended our district soccer tournament Saturday. The Jaguars played hard, fair, and demonstrated great sportsmanship. They played so hard, “Madison” has a broken toe from the challenge! If you see “Madison” help her with her books and class transitions this week! Our Jaguars came home with a beautiful 3rd place trophy! Thank you Coach E and the Jaguar Soccer Team for a great game! Taking 1st place in the tournament was the East Campus and 2nd place goes to our South Campus! Congratulations to each and every one of our players! *If you have not paid your $6 for your Field Day t-shirt, you still have time. All money is due tomorrow by 3:30! Students who do not purchase the Field Day t-shirt must wear their school uniform shirt on Field Day. Field Day is May 18th for PK thru 4th grades and May 19th for Middle School Students. Our Middle School Student Field Day will be held at our South Campus (Lewisville) this year! Please contact Coach Essex for additional field day information. *Wednesday is Administrative Assistant’s Day! If you’d like to honor Ms. Rosell for her hard work and dedication to our students and staff, please send your gifts, cards, or flowers to school with your student. Feel free to also send a Facebook shout out to her! *Save the Date! We will host our PK and Kindergarten Signing Day on May 16th at 2:30! I hope you and your incoming PK student and your incoming Kindergarten student will make yourselves available to come and make the commitment to attend PK and Kindergarten at NTxCA in the school year 23 / 24! We’ll will meet you there! *Our Middle School Beta students will be hosting their Middle School Dance on May 19th! All NTxCA Middle School Students will be invited to the dance that will be held on our North Campus! Contact any of our Middle School teachers should you have any questions regarding our dance. *Our enrollment is increasing and we are happy to see the large number! If you haven’t already pre-registered for next school year, I am suggesting that you do so ASAP! Doing so will allow us the opportunity to determine class sizes and whether or not we need to hire additional teachers. So please, register TODAY!!
over 1 year ago, Amanda Jordan, Principal
Mark your calendars for these upcoming end of year events! (Please note, Teacher Appreciation Week is May 8-12 and our district has planned treats for Monday through Thursday and is asking parents to shower our teachers with love on Friday!)
almost 2 years ago, North Texas Collegiate Academy
Upcoming Events