After-School Program Notice! Registration for Spring Enrichment Clubs will open at 9:00AM on Wednesday, January 18th. The registration form will be sent to the email address provided upon enrollment in the After-School Program. Students may register for 1 club this semester. Clubs are offered on a first-come, first-served basis. Only students who are currently enrolled and participating in the After-School Program may register for Enrichment Clubs. Please email with any questions.
almost 2 years ago, North Texas Collegiate Academy
After school image
Good Sunday evening Jaguars ! These are your announcements for this week; *Our Character Trait for this week is: KINDNESS *Congratulations to our campus Spelling Bee winners! 1st Place - Madison Meserve, 8th Grade 2nd Place - Alley Ealey, 4th Grade 3rd Place - Matthew Sapian, 7th Grade 4th Place - Emma Sang, 7th These four students will compete in our District Spelling Bee which is Thursday, January 19 at 9:00 on our campus. I hope you will join us to support our students! *Tomorrow is a school holiday in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Whatever your dream is…. I hope you make it a reality someday! *Attendance and being on time every day is VERY IMPORTANT! Please make sure your students are at school and on time each day. When students enter the classroom after 8:00, it becomes a disruption AND distraction to other students and to the learning environment that has already started their instructional day. So parents, please make sure your student is on time EACH DAY! *Announcing our new attendance initiative! Students who have PERFECT ATTENDANCE in one full week will be allowed time to play games on the Xbox! We will start this initiative on January 23, 2023. Our very first grade level to celebrate this initiative will be our 2nd graders! All 2nd grades who have PERFECT ATTENDANCE (with zero tardies) will be allowed to play Xbox (game of Principal choice) on Friday, January 27th during their Elementary Club time! There will be a different grade level selected and announced each Sunday. I hope ALL students will attend school DAILY, but it’s “game on” for our 2nd graders ! *Basketball practice is Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of next week. Practice is from 4:00 until 5:15. Mark your calendars for Saturday, January 28th at 11:00 for the district tournament. The tournament will be held at the MLK Center in Denton, Texas. There is no outside food or drinks allowed. WE HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE TO SUPPORT OUR STUDENTS !
about 2 years ago, Amanda Jordan, Principal
Weekly Announcements
ATTENTION Jaguar Parents and Families! Plan to attend our Bully Prevention Program on Monday, January 23rd at 1:00. This program will be presented by the Denton Police Department and attendance will be open to parents and other family members. The program is designed for all 3rd thru 8th grade students in the Jaguar Den ! I hope to see you there ! Goooo Jaguars !!
about 2 years ago, Amanda Jordan, Principal
No School on Monday!
about 2 years ago, North Texas Collegiate Academy
No School Monday January 16
Calendar reminders for the rest of January!
about 2 years ago, North Texas Collegiate Academy
January Calendar Reminders
about 2 years ago, North Texas Collegiate Academy
We're Hiring!
Please use the "Google Meets" link below to join us! JAGUAR VIRTUAL AWARDS CEREMONY WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 2023 3:00 - 3:30 Meeting ID Phone Numbers (‪US‬)[‪+1 267-579-4810‬](tel:%E2%80%AA+1 267-579-4810%E2%80%AC) PIN: ‪123 466 135#‬
about 2 years ago, Amanda Jordan, Principal
Virtual Awards Ceremony
It’s grocery day! Come shop at the North Campus until 4:00pm today!! See you soon!!
about 2 years ago, North Texas Collegiate Academy
smoked sausage
cottage cheese
Please use the "Google Meets" link below to join us! JAGUAR VIRTUAL AWARDS CEREMONY WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 2023 3:00 - 3:30 Meeting ID Phone Numbers (‪US‬)[‪+1 267-579-4810‬](tel:%E2%80%AA+1 267-579-4810%E2%80%AC) PIN: ‪123 466 135#‬
about 2 years ago, Amanda Jordan, Principal
Virtual Awards Ceremony
NTxCA Denton North Campus Jaguar Announcements: *Character Trait of the week: JUSTICE *Because safety is first in our district, we must have the most current parent contact information on file. If you have not already done so, please update your telephone number and your address with Ms. Rosell. You may contact her at or call the campus at 940-383-1972. *All students will be completing Middle of the Year (MOY) assessments, mClass, and 6 Weeks Exams *Attendance remains important. Please make sure your student is at school on time each day. I am also asking that parents please do not pick up your student early (unless you have a legitimate appointment). Students are dismissed at 3:30 and all parents must drive through the carline. For the safety of our students and everyone in our school community, students are not permitted to walk across the lot, the grass, or the street. (Unless temporary housing is at either of the hotels) *Basketball Practice this week is Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday this week at 4:00 – 5:15 *Campus Award are scheduled for Wednesday, January 11th at 3:00 – 3:30. In order for the majority of our parents to attend our awards ceremony, our awards ceremony will be streamed via “Google Meets.” The link for the ceremony will be text, emailed, and listed on Facebook. I hope you will join us ! *Friday, January 13th is our campus Spelling Bee. I hope you will be able to join us and support our students. Additional information will be provided on Monday. *Please save the date! Our district basketball tournament is Saturday, January 28th at the MLK Center in Denton. I hope you will join us to support our students to victory! Additional information will soon follow. These are your announcements for this week, so until your mid-week announcements, gooooooo Jaguars!!
about 2 years ago, Amanda Jordan, Principal
Weekly Announcements
CASUAL FOR A CAUSE TODAY! All students who pay $3 may wear their school appropriate casual clothes to school! Don't forget to bring your $3 to your teacher today. Goooooooo Jaguars !!!
about 2 years ago, Amanda Jordan, Principal
Reminder! Tomorrow is $3 Casual for a Cause!
about 2 years ago, North Texas Collegiate Academy
Casual for a Cause 1/6/2023
Friday is the end of the 3rd Six Weeks, which means it's CASUAL FOR A CAUSE! All students who pay $3 may wear their school appropriate casual clothes to school! Bring your $3 to your teacher TODAY and TOMORROW!
about 2 years ago, Amanda Jordan, Principal
January Menus!!!
about 2 years ago, North Texas Collegiate Academy
January Breakfast Menu
January Lunch Menu
See you on Wednesday!!!
about 2 years ago, North Texas Collegiate Academy
Classes resume Wednesday Jan. 4 8am
Attention Jaguar Parents! Our district has installed new phone systems and we are excited about our upgrades!However, we need different modems to support the phone system and this process will take a couple of more days. So until the installation has been completed, we have no phones or internet. If you need to contact the campus, please feel free to email me at or Ms. Rosell at or send direct messages through Facebook. Please bare with us until we work through these installation processes and I'll keep you posted. All students are scheduled to return to school Wednesday, January 4th! Additional announcements will be posted on Monday (tomorrow), so until then, goooooo Jaguars! --Principal Jordan
about 2 years ago, Amanda Jordan, Principal
It’s grocery day!! We have fresh produce, chicken, ham, fish, shrimp, canned goods, snacks, dog food, hygiene supplies, bottled water and more! Shopping is open 1pm-4pm at our North Campus. See you soon!
about 2 years ago, North Texas Collegiate Academy
REMINDER: School will be dismissed at 1:00 today. There is no After Care Program this afternoon! Gooooooooooooo Jaguars !!!!!!!!!!!!
about 2 years ago, Amanda Jordan, Principal
DATE CHANGE!!! New grocery date during Winter Break!!!
about 2 years ago, North Texas Collegiate Academy
Pantry open Dec 21st  1-4pm
Counseling services will be available through the winter break!
about 2 years ago, North Texas Collegiate Academy
Counseling services will be available through the winter break.