This Friday is a free casual day for students. We request no pajamas or no holes or tears in pants or jeans. ENJOY!
about 2 years ago, Amanda Jordan, Principal
Our Food Pantry inventory is minimal today, as TAFB was unable to fulfill our whole order this week. We apologize for any inconvenience, but families will be limited to 1 bag of groceries per household this week. We did not receive any produce, meat, dairy or bread but we're happy to help with canned goods and shelf-stable items. We expect a full delivery on December 28th and promise to be open to serve your families that afternoon. Many thanks to LOVE PACS for donating over 750 boxes of food this week! (If your child didn't come home with a box, call your campus office.)
about 2 years ago, North Texas Collegiate Academy
At 7:08AM We've asked all bus drivers to pull to safe waiting spaces until the tornado warning passes. Please have grace and patience this morning, as keeping our students and drivers safe is our first priority.
about 2 years ago, Amanda Jordan, Principal
ATTENTION PEP SQUAD PARENTS: Good afternoon, I just wanted to touch base with pep leader parents. Important information regarding the basketball tournament will be coming home with your pep leader this week. Please review it this winter break and return it signed at your earliest convenience. Please email Thanks for all you do! --Coach Nobles
about 2 years ago, Amanda Jordan, Principal
NTxCA Food Pantry December Operations Wednesday, 12/14 1:00-4:00PM @ North Campus Tuesday, 12/20 10:00AM-12:00PM @ UNT Wednesday, 12/28 1:00-4:00PM @ North Campus
about 2 years ago, North Texas Collegiate Academy
NTxCA Pantry
UNT Mobile Pantry
Jaguar Weekly Announcements..... *Our Character Trait this week is GIVING *Basketball practice this week is Wednesday and Thursday from 4:15 until 5:15 *Attention 5th graders! Remember your camp monthly payments will be due in January. However, please feel free to begin your payments when you have the money available. The total amount per camp student is $165. If you would like to chaperone, you must have a background check and volunteer form on file for this school year. All chaperone fees are $90. Please call Ms. Rosell, at 940-383-1972 for additional information *Remember attendance continues to be important for student learning. Make sure your student in at school and on time each day! *Friday, December 16th is our campus “Winter Parties” All parties will begin at 12:00 and students will be released from school at 1:00. There will be no after school care this Friday. *Our Winter Holiday is December 19th thru January 3rd. All students return to school on Wednesday, January 4th, 2023. If you have friends who would like to enroll on our campus in grades PK, Kinder, 1st, or 2nd, please ask them to give us a call! We are now enrolling for next semester ! Gooooooo Jaguars !!!!
about 2 years ago, Amanda Jordan, Principal
Jaguar Weekly Announcements
Don't Forget.... Multicultural Fair is TOMORROW at 6pm!!!
about 2 years ago, North Texas Collegiate Academy
Multicultural Fair
ATTENTION ALL JAGUARS !!!!! Plan to join us at our Multicultural Fair this Thursday evening. We will have your passports ready and available for pick up at 6:00 pm! We'll see you aboard the Hot Air Balloon ! Let's Go Around The World Together ! Goo Jaguars !!!!!!
about 2 years ago, Amanda Jordan, Principal
Multicultural Fair
December's Upcoming Events!!
about 2 years ago, North Texas Collegiate Academy
Dashing Through December
Multicultural Fair is next week! Please join us!!
about 2 years ago, North Texas Collegiate Academy
Multicultural Fair
Good Sunday evening Jaguars, this is Ms. Jordan, North Campus Principal, with your weekly Jaguar announcements ! *Our Character Trait for this week is CONSIDERATION *Reminding all bus students, that you must wear headphones or earbuds while you are riding the bus. All reported violations and / or non-compliance may result in student bus suspension. *Jaguars are gearing up for Basketball!  If you are in grade 5 thru 8th and would like to play basketball, please stay after school for practice this week on WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY from 4:15 until 5:15. Transportation is NOT provided and all students MUST be picked up by 5:15. *Attention all 5th grade students!  Be on the lookout for a zoom link invitation to a virtual meeting to discuss 5th Grade Camp!  The zoom link will arrive in a text message to ONLY the 5th grade parents. *Jaguar Pep Squad parents, this is reminder message about the Parent Pep meeting this Wednesday!  You will receive a text message with the information specific to Pep Squad parents.  The zoom link will arrive in this text message to ONLY the pep squad. *This Friday marks the END of our 3rd week for Progress Reports.  Please make sure your student has reassessed and submitted all assignments for grades.  Progress Reports will go home on December 5th These are your announcements for this week. Until your next Jaguar announcements, gooooooooo Jaguars!
about 2 years ago, Amanda Jordan, Principal
Jaguar Announcements
The NTxCA Community Pantry is open tomorrow 1pm - 4pm!
about 2 years ago, North Texas Collegiate Academy
Pantry open!
Free Casual Day TOMORROW!
about 2 years ago, North Texas Collegiate Academy
Free Casual Day tomorrow
WEEKLY ANNOUNCEMENTS: *Our Character Trait for this week is THANKFULNESS *Parents will be receiving Attendance Warning / Truancy Warning letters on Monday and Tuesday of this week. Parent Conference meetings have been scheduled with parents and I am asking that you make every effort to attend this conference with me. *Friday, November 18th is an early release day for our students. School will be dismissed at 1:00 for all students. There will be NO AFTER SCHOOL services. Please be on time to pick up your students. *Our Fall Break is scheduled from November 21stthru November 25th During this time, there will be no students on campus *Students return from Fall Break on Monday, November 28th These are your announcements for the week, so until your mid-week announcements, goooo Jaguars!!!
about 2 years ago, Amanda Jordan, Principal
Weekly Jaguar Announcements !
ATTENTION JAGUAR PARENTS! This is your reminder to join us for our 2nd Six Weeks Student Awards Ceremony VIRTUALLY! We will see you at 2:45 at the link below! Gooooo Jaguars !!!!!!!
about 2 years ago, Amanda Jordan, Principal
2nd Six Weeks Awards Ceremony (Virtually)
G ood Sunday afternoon Jaguars, this is Ms. Jordan with your announcements for the 1st full week in November! *The Character Trait for this week is PATIENCE *Speaking of PATIENCE, thank you to each of you for being so very understanding and having a great deal of PATIENCE with me when you have received the Attendance (Truancy/Compulsory) notices!  I am reminding you, this is NOT Ms. Jordan’s rules, these are attendance rules and laws that are given to us from the State of Texas.   Should your student not be in attendance for 2 or more days in one week, you will receive a WARNING letter that includes a scheduled time for you to visit with me.  When your meeting has been scheduled, please make sure you attend the meeting to review options and/or interventions for improvement in attendance. I’m proud to announce that our attendance has improved!  This week we had a total of 50 students absent from school.  However, We have had more than 125 students who are arriving to school past 8:00.  Students are TARDY at 8:01 if they are NOT in class.  So parents, please make sure your student is at school AND in class on time each day. CONGRATULATIONS TO MS. MESERVE’S 1ST GRADE CLASS, THEIR CLASS HAD ONLY 1 STUDENT ABSENT THIS PAST WEEK!  Congratulations to our 1st graders! *If your student is ill, please continue providing the doctor’s notes or other “excusal” documentation *Our Jaguar Campus Awards ceremony is Wednesday, November 9th.  There will be a video link posted for your attendance and viewing.  The ceremony will begin at 2:25. *Wednesday is grocery Day!  If your family is “IN NEED” of food or groceries, please visit the campus from 1 until 4 (time subject to change).  All adults must be prepared to show identification (NO EXCEPTIONS)  *Friday, November 11th our campus will be honoring Veteran’s Day.  Additional information will follow later this week *SAVE THE DATE:  Friday, November 18th is an early release day.  Students will be dismissed at 1:00 and there will not be after school care.  This date was not originally on our school calendar, so please make a note of this change. Until your mid-week announcements, gooooooo Jaguars !!!!!!!!!!!!!
about 2 years ago, Amanda Jordan, Principal
Goooo Jaguars !
We'd love to hear from you! Please take 2 minutes to complete this brief survey.
about 2 years ago, North Texas Collegiate Academy
Take the Survey
We'd love to hear from you! Please take 2 minutes to complete this brief survey.
about 2 years ago, North Texas Collegiate Academy
Take the Survey
THIS FRIDAY, November 4th marks the END of our 2nd Six Weeks of School, which means CASUAL for a CAUSE!!! Allow your student to bring $3.00 on or before Friday and earn the opportunity to wear their school appropriate casual clothing! Remember there should be no holes in pants/shirts, no leggings, jeggins, yoga pants, tights, short skirts, short-shorts, or mid-drift shirts/blouses. Students who are out of dress code will change into other donated clothing we have on campus!
about 2 years ago, Amanda Jordan, Principal
Casual for a Cause
Important Calendar Change!
about 2 years ago, North Texas Collegiate Academy
1pm Release on November 18th