Holiday gift assistance sign-up is ready! Form here....
2 months ago, North Texas Collegiate Academy
Gift Assistance Sign-Up
Good Sunday afternoon, Jaguars! This is Ms. Jordan, Principal at NTxCA, with your announcements for the week of November 11, 2024: Character Trait for the Week: Our focus this week is on CONSIDERATION. Awards Ceremony: Our 2nd Six Weeks Awards Ceremony will take place this Friday, November 15th, at 2:00 PM. We warmly invite all parents of students receiving an award to join us for this special event. We hope to see you there! Beta Club Fundraiser: Our Beta Club students are launching their fundraiser tomorrow. They will be selling "Gobble Grams" and "Turkey Poop." Gobble Grams include a sweet note and a small treat, perfect for brightening someone's day. "Turkey Poop" (a small bag of Reese's Pieces) is a fun gift for friends and family. Order forms will be provided to students, and deliveries will be made daily at 3:30 PM. The cost is $1 each or $2 for both a Gobble Gram and Turkey Poop. All proceeds will help our Beta Club purchase shirts for their Winter Community Service project with "Friends of the Family." Fall Break: Please note that our Fall Break is scheduled for November 25–29. There will be no school during this period. Thank you, and have a wonderful week ahead!
2 months ago, Amanda Jordan, Principal
Jaguar Weekly Announcements !
Weather Cancellation! Please note new date!
2 months ago, North Texas Collegiate Academy
Spring Carnival April 4th
Daylight Savings time ends this weekend!
2 months ago, North Texas Collegiate Academy
Fall Back
End of the 2nd grading period is this Friday!!
3 months ago, North Texas Collegiate Academy
Early Release
DATE CHANGE!! Please note that, due to anticipated rain, all Fall Festivals have been postponed to next week!
3 months ago, North Texas Collegiate Academy
Fall Festivals
November Menus!
3 months ago, North Texas Collegiate Academy
Good Sunday afternoon Jaguars! Here are your announcements for the week of October 21st *Our CHARACTER TRAIT for this week is COMPASSION *Thank you to our PAWS (Parent Group) for providing us with a FANTASTIC family day this past Saturday! Our PAWS parents did a wonderful day of brining our Jaguar families together for some FREE food, fun, games, and fellowship! We have A LOT OF FUN and you were missed if you were not able to join us! *A reminder about our Storybook Character Day, which is Thursday, October 31st. All students may dress up like your favorite book character! No face paint or masks, no hand-held props, or weapons, no lights or noise makers, no inflatable blow up costumes, no gore or inappropriate images, or words, MUST BRING THE STORYBOOK WITH THE CHARACTER IN IT!! *Thank you to our Jaguar families at 4:00 Friday our campus will be able to donate 170 cases of water!! This water will be donated to our community partners, Hearts 4 Homes! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! *We have partnered with Upbeat, a company that has created a Family Climate Survey specific to our campus. We would like to be able to demonstrate 100% of our families who will take the survey! I have included the survey link in an email, on Facebook, and on our campus website. Please complete the survey TODAY, and let’s try to have our North Campus survey completed by Friday, October 25th at 5:00! Our students, teachers, faculty, and staff have already completed the survey. It’s your turn now! *Remember individual student picture retakes is in full school uniform on October 29th *Mark your calendar now for our Fall Festival which is at 6:00 until 7:30 on November 1st. Each classroom will be requesting parents who can support us with pre-wrapped candy donations! November 1st is also an early release day and students will be dismissed at 1:00. There is NO after school programming. These are your announcements for this week, so until your next announcements, goooooooo Jaguars!!
3 months ago, Amanda Jordan, Principal
Jaguar Weekly Announcements !
PAWS invites you to our day in the park!!!!!
3 months ago, Amanda Jordan, Principal
Join us today!
Good Sunday afternoon Jaguars, this is Ms. Jordan with your announcements for the week of October 14th *Our Character Trait for this week is “INTEGRITY” *Reminder, there is NO SCHOOL tomorrow (Monday) or Tuesday, October 15th. We will see students bright and early and on time, Wednesday morning! Remember breakfast is served from 7:20 until 7:55. *Reminding parents about the resources we provide to our parents. Remember we offer student and family counseling. If you are interested, contact me at the campus office for a counseling referral (940-383-1972). *Don’t forget our Community Service Project! Our district is supporting Hearts for Homes as our chosen non-profit community service initiative. We encourage everyone to contribute by donating cases of bottled water for our classroom. This initiative will conclude on October 18th. At the end of day last Friday, Ms. Mitchell’s 4th grade class was leading with 8 cases of water. Our District Administrative team has joined in on our competition. The class, office, or group with the most cases of water will get to select a teacher (who has the least amount of water collected) to receive a pie in the face at Fall Festival. Let's come together to help those in need! *Progress Reports will go home Wednesday, October 16th! *Remember our Storybook Character Day on October 31st, where you get to dress up like your favorite storybook character. Remember, you must have your storybook with you on dress up day. See information posted on our Facebook Group page for additional information! These are your announcements for this week, so until your mid-week announcements, goooooooooo Jaguars!!!!!!!  
3 months ago, Amanda Jordan, Principal
Jaguar Weekly Announcements !
Reminder! Long weekend ahead!!
3 months ago, North Texas Collegiate Academy
No School
Good Sunday afternoon Jaguars! Here are your announcements for the week of October 7th; *Our Character Trait for this week is COMMITMENT * This week marks the final week of Parent/Teacher Conferences. We extend our gratitude to those parents who have already participated. We hope these conferences have fostered a strong partnership with your child's teacher to ensure a successful school year in academics, social development, and behavior. If you have missed your scheduled conference, please contact your child's teacher as soon as possible to reschedule. * Please remember our Community Service Project! Our district is supporting Hearts for Homes as our chosen non-profit community service initiative. We encourage everyone to contribute by donating cases of bottled water for your classroom. This initiative will conclude on October 18th. Let's come together to help those in need! * Please be advised that there will be no school on Friday, October 11th, as well as on Monday and Tuesday, October 14th and 15th. We encourage you to take advantage of the extra time to enjoy the beautiful fall weather. Additionally, students are encouraged to log in to ST Math and/or Zearn Math during the break. Both platforms are well-vetted and can significantly enhance your student's math skills. These are your announcements for this 4-day week, so until your mid-week announcements, goooooooo Jaguars!!!!!
3 months ago, Amanda Jordan, Principal
Jaguar Weekly Announcements !
It's Grocery Day! Both our North Campus and South Campus Pantries are open today 2:00-4:00 to serve currently-enrolled families. Shopping bags are provided. No outside bags or boxes. Please honor the bag limit per household so that all families in-need are served.
3 months ago, North Texas Collegiate Academy
Cereal & Cookies
Regfrigerator items
Freezer Items
October Menus!
4 months ago, North Texas Collegiate Academy
It's a "Jaguar Family Affair!" Mark your calendars NOW and join us on October 19th from 12:30 - 2:30. Our PAWS (parent volunteer group) has planned a day just for us!!!. I hope to see you at Northlakes Park for a fun day filled with food, games, fun, and FELLOWSHIP!! FREE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let's Gooooooooooooo Jaguars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4 months ago, Amanda Jordan, Principal
Jaguar Fellowship
Good Sunday afternoon, Jaguars. This is Ms. Jordan with your weekly announcements: Character Trait of the Week: Helpfulness Monday, September 23rd: Report cards will be distributed to all students. Tuesday, September 24th: Our 1st Six Weeks Awards Ceremony will take place at 2:00 PM in the Jaguar Gym. If your student is receiving an award, their homeroom teacher has already contacted you. Please consider attending to support your student. Fundraiser Update: Thanks to the generous support of our Jaguar family and friends, we raised $3,481 from our Double Good Popcorn sales. Hispanic Heritage Celebration: Join us this Thursday, September 26th, from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM. We have an exciting guest performance that you won't want to miss, so please be on time. Perfect Attendance Glow Party: On Thursday, September 26th, we will celebrate students with perfect attendance during the first six weeks of school with a Glow Party. Make sure to check Facebook for photos of this epic event. Jaguar Pep Rally: Join us on Friday, September 27th, at 7:15 AM in the parking lot for our pep rally. Parents, please park your cars and join us in the celebration. We will be cheering on our Jaguar Volleyball team as they prepare for the District Volleyball Tournament on Saturday, September 28th, at 8:00 AM in the Jaguar Gym. Admission is free, and concessions will be available. Bring your lawn chairs as space is limited. These are your announcements for the upcoming week. Until the mid-week texts and other announcements, go Jaguars!
4 months ago, Amanda Jordan, Principal
Jaguar Weekly Announcements !
Please join us as NTxCA celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month!
4 months ago, North Texas Collegiate Academy
HH MOnth
Please join us for our Hispanic Heritage Month celebrations!
4 months ago, North Texas Collegiate Academy
Hispanic Heritage Month
** Pantry Update 9/19/24 ** We received our truck from TAFB this morning, so we will open both the North Campus and South Campus pantries from 3:00-4:00pm today. We are stocked with breads, bakery items, baby food, shelf-stable items and frozen foods. As always, please, no outside bags.
4 months ago, North Texas Collegiate Academy
Parents, does your child have an Energizing Educator that you love?? Here is a great way to show these great teachers how much they mean to your family! Please take a few minutes to nominate your favorite NTxCA teachers!!
4 months ago, North Texas Collegiate Academy