***PANTRY UPDATE*** This week's order from TAFB is currently in transit, but delayed. The pantry will be open for any available on-hand stock, but due to the delay, we will not be able to unpack new inventory for shopping today.
4 months ago, North Texas Collegiate Academy
Pantry logo
This Friday marks the end of the 1st 6 Weeks!! Early Release at 1pm!!
4 months ago, North Texas Collegiate Academy
Early Release
Reminder!!! This Friday is our 1st Casual for a Cause Day!!
4 months ago, North Texas Collegiate Academy
Casual for a Cause
It's Grocery Day! Both our North Campus and South Campus Pantries are open today 2:00-4:00 to serve currently-enrolled families. Shopping bags are provided. No outside bags or boxes. Please honor the bag limit per household so that all families in-need are served.
4 months ago, North Texas Collegiate Academy
pantry logo
Good Sunday afternoon Jaguar families, here are your announcements for this week; *The Character Trait for this week is RESPONSIBILITY. A reminder to our parents, it is your responsibility to ensure your student is at school each and every school day. Not only is it the law, but our students cannot learn when they are not in school. *Congratulations to our 24 / 25 Jaguar Drill Team. Please visit our Facebook campus group for our team recognitions. *Our Jaguar Pep Squad will have tryouts this Thursday from 4:00 until 4:30. Please make sure you are on time for pick up. *Our middle school students will have volleyball practice on Tuesday for 5th and 6th grade ONLY, Wednesday, 7th and 8th grade ONLY, and Thursday will be 5th thru 8gh grade students. All practices are at 4:00 until 5:15. Parents remember our practice is over at 5:15. Students who remain past 5:15 are at risk for being dismissed from the team. Also, for safety reasons, siblings are not allowed in the practices. Please make sure you have made arrangements for siblings after school. *Mark your calendars and save the date for our volleyball tournament on Saturday, September 28th at 8:00 a.m. in our Jaguar Gym! I hope you will bring your sports chairs and come help cheer our Jaguars to victory! *Thursday is our first spirit night at "Portillos." Please have lunch and dinner with us at Portillo's and all proceeds earned will benefit our Jaguar Drill Team for the purchase of uniforms and equipment. Flyers with detailed information will come home with your student tomorrow. I'll meet you guys there this Thursday! *All Beta Club applications are due this Wednesday. Return your application to your homeroom teacher. Our Fall Beta Club induction is October 10th.
4 months ago, Amanda Jordan, Principal
Jaguar Weekly Announcements !
Good afternoon, Jaguar families, I am writing to address an important matter regarding student attendance at NTxCA. As you are aware, all parents have completed an enrollment packet that outlines the Attendance Law and Compulsory Attendance requirements. Unfortunately, we have noticed some students either missing school or leaving before the 10:15 AM State of Texas attendance time. It is crucial to remember that regular attendance is not only a legal obligation but also vital for your child's learning and development. If you have any concerns or need to discuss your child's attendance, please contact the office to schedule a meeting with me. Several parents have already received truancy notices or letters concerning their responsibilities under the Compulsory Attendance Law. I kindly request that you ensure your child attends school every day they are healthy. Thank you for your attention to this matter and your ongoing cooperation. --Principal Jordan
4 months ago, Amanda Jordan, Principal
It's Grocery Day! Both our North Campus and South Campus Pantries are open today 2:00-4:00 to serve currently-enrolled families. Shopping bags are provided. No outside bags or boxes. Please honor the bag limit per household so that all families in-need are served.
4 months ago, North Texas Collegiate Academy
pantry logo
Spirit wear t-shirt ordering is open! Order your spirit wear shirts by Friday September 13th! Please make sure to click on the link for your campus when placing orders to ensure delivery to the correct campus. https://www.ntxca.org/o/ntca/page/uniform-shirt-ordering
4 months ago, North Texas Collegiate Academy
24-25 Spirit Wear Shirt
Good Sunday afternoon Jaguars!!! These are your announcements for this week; *Our CHARACTER TRAIT for the week is SERVICE! *Tomorrow is Labor Day and a school holiday! *Three-Week Progress Reports for our 1st through 8th graders will go home Tuesday, September 3rd! *Tuesday, September 3rd, is PICTURE DAY! All students must be in full school uniform. Payment is due at time of pictures. Siblings may NOT take pictures together. *There is a Drill Team Parent Interest meeting Tuesday, September 3rd at 4:15. If you have a 3rd or 4th grader who is interested in the Jaguar Drill Team, we want to see you Tuesday at 4:15 in the Jaguar Den! *It’s volleyball time! Volleyball practice is on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 4:00 – 5:15! If your middle school student is interested in playing volleyball, we will see them Tuesday afternoon! Parents MUST pick up their student on time. Late arrival could result in dismissal from the team! *Students in grades 4 thru 8 will be receiving Beta Club applications this Wednesday. Students who are interested must complete the application with a written essay! *There is a Jaguar Pep Squad Parent Interest meeting next Thursday, September 5th at 4:15 in the Jaguar Den. If you have a student in grade PK through 2nd grade and interested in our Jaguar Pep Squad, we’ll meet you at this meeting! *We will be celebrating Grandparents Day a little different this school year! Our Grandparent’s Day celebration will take place this Thursday, September 5th from 6:00pm – 7:30pm in the Jaguar Den! It is very important that we have an accurate count for our visitors. Please RSVP to carey.thomson@ntxca.org if you will be attending our Grandparent’s Day celebration!
5 months ago, Amanda Jordan, Principal
Jaguar Weekly Announcements !
Hello! Here is the online pre-order access code for pictures! i apologize for the confusion.
5 months ago, Amanda Jordan, Principal
Access Code
Tomorrow is the halfway point for the 1st Six Weeks! Progress Reports for 1st -8th grade will go home Tuesday, September 3! 🖤🐾 Remember, no school Friday, August 30 and Monday, September 2! Enjoy the 4 day weekend!
5 months ago, Amanda Jordan, Principal
September Menus!!
5 months ago, North Texas Collegiate Academy
Reminder!! No school this Friday or Monday!! All campuses are closed August 30 and September 2.
5 months ago, North Texas Collegiate Academy
Long weekend
Very important update regarding pantry days!! Pantry days are changing!!
5 months ago, North Texas Collegiate Academy
Good Sunday afternoon Jaguar parents, this is Ms. Jordan with your weekly announcements! *Our Character Trait for the week is CONTENTMENT *Daily Attendance in school IS THE LAW! Please make sure your student is at school every day! This year we will reinstate THURSDAY NIGHT SCHOOL for students who lose grade level credit due to compulsory attendance. Students will receive Attendance Warning and Intervention letters tomorrow. *If you have not already, please make sure you have asked to join our NTXCA North Campus Facebook group! You don’t want to miss any of the exciting things that are happening on our campus! *Reminding parents that all students must be in their school uniform every day. Girl’s dresses and skirts must be at an appropriate length (at or below the knee) *We are expecting 100% parent enrollment in our Parent / Teacher NTxCA Apptegy app! Please make sure you have signed up to receive information from your teachers *If parents want to change student transportation schedule on any given day, please make sure you call Ms. Cork by 2:30 each day to ensure we have the student in the appropriate pick up line. *Parents remember, please DO NOT park after school in front of or block the driveway entrances of the businesses on Worthington Street and ESPECIALLY DO NOT PARK ON THE FEEDER ROAD! *Our popcorn fundraisers will begin THURSDAY! You’ll need to take a look at Facebook or receive the flyer from your student with the QR Code to place your popcorn orders! Remember, the winning class is the class that sells the most popcorn! The winners will receive an ice cream and cookie party from Ms. Jordan. *Friday, August 30th and Monday September 2nd are school holidays! Enjoy your long Labor Day Weekend! *Effective September 4th, our food pantry days will be on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month. We will NOT be receiving an order next week. Until your mid-week announcements, GOOOOOOOOOOOOOO JAGUARS !!!!!!!!!
5 months ago, Amanda Jordan, Principal
Jaguar Weekly Announcements !
Annual Title I Parent Informational Meeting Thursday, August 22, 2024 4:00 - 5:00 pm Jaguar Den
5 months ago, Amanda Jordan, Principal
Good Sunday afternoon Jaguars, this is Ms. Jordan with your weekly announcements! *Our Character Trait for this week is HONOR *Our PK through 4th grade students will begin their BEGINNING OF THE YEAR (BOY) assessments tomorrow! These assessments will be given to provide our teachers with academic functioning for the beginning-of- the-year. Once all assessments have been completed, teachers will schedule parent/teacher conferences to review the student summary of data on or before September 5th. *A quick reminder about student attendance. Remember, not only is attendance the law and when students are not in school they do not learn! To avoid truancy or other attendance violations, please make sure your student is at school every day! These are your announcements for this week, so until your mid-week announcements, gooooooooooo Jaguars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5 months ago, Amanda Jordan, Principal
Jaguar Weekly Announcements !
*CALENDAR CHANGE FOR PANTRY* Both our North Campus and South Campus Pantries are open TOMORROW (Thursday 8/15/24) 2:00-4:00 to serve currently-enrolled families. Shopping bags are provided. No outside bags or boxes. Please honor the bag limit per household so that all families in-need are served.
5 months ago, North Texas Collegiate Academy
Reminders regarding carlines and after school programs....
5 months ago, North Texas Collegiate Academy
carline and after school programs
5 months ago, North Texas Collegiate Academy